Sunday, January 09, 2005


C Sharp Help: C# Articles

The C#Help site is a treasure trove of articles... to my knowledge they republish articles for free so you can simply troll through their article listings and snipe their writers.

I believe they have stuff on ASP.NET too.

Also to my understanding the C#Help guys require that you give them a "first published at" link if you republish an article you saw at their site.


ASP articles from 4guysfromrolla

Looking for ASP articles? These guys have tons and may let you publish them on your ASP site or in your ASP newsletter. Here's their ASP article list.

Contact the authors in this case individually.


Supply Chain Management Articles

I know supply chain management isn't exactly tech. But here is a link to the Thomas Craig supply chain managment articles.

And here's his contact info.


A.P. Lawrence Unix and Linux Articles

A.P. Lawrence has allowed republishing of his articles in the past. If your list is big enough he may allow you to republish from his thousands of articles too.

Here's how he describes his content:
"Unix and Linux Help, Tutorials, Resources and information for Unix/Linux, Mac OS X and other general computing related topics."

Here's the A.P. Lawrence article listing.

Here's the A.P. Lawrence contact info.


Free Tech Articles

There is, to my knowledge, currently no repository for free tech articles online. Free tech articles are typically harder to find than business-related articles and require more hands-on discussion with the authors.

This site, in blog format, will be a sort of directory of authors who have published for free in the past. This does not mean that you can just take their work and publish it without permission. Be sure to contact them first.

And consider contacting the bloggers in your specific tech industry... there's a dang good chance they'll let you publish their blog posts in article format.

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